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Entries in library training team (1)


Paul Gray member of the Scottish Information Literacy Community of Practice and his 23 (more) librarians blog posting - includes his information literacy training role at the Scottish Government  

I thouroughly enjoy reading the 23 Librarian blog posts and now the 23 (more) libraians. if you haven't read any then I would highly recomend them. The last posting is from Paul Gray who currently works as a librarian for the Scottish Government 

When he started in the Scottish Government Library he joined the training team at the same time, and says he was "glad of all that user education experience as information literacy has now become very much a central part of my job – delivering our training materials with my training team colleagues". Paul and the team have been doing some interesting working including developing online courses. Along with the Head Librarian he developed a rolling 10 week online self-directed course called 10 Things. it is based on the 23 Things CPD programme. 

Paul is an active member of the the Scottish Information Literacy Community of Practice and I've got to know him but discovered all sorts of things from the posting that I didn't know before. Thanks for sharing with us Paul.