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Information Literacy Frameworks

UK Frameworks:

SCONUL Seven Pillars of Information Literacy model updated and expanded in 2011. Presented as a generic "core" model for Higher Education, to which a series of "lenses", representing the different groups of learners, can be applied.

Drafts lenses:
The SCONUL Seven Pillars of Information Literacy through a Digital Literacy lens, updated January 2012

The SCONUL Seven Pillars of Information Literacy through an Open Content lens, 2011

NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

Information literacy framework provisionally entitled Better informed for better health and better care : A framework to support improved information use for staff and patients, has been revised and its contents divided into a series of eight A5 size booklets.

Information literacy portal - provides advice, information and scenarios about each stage of the information literacy cycle: Question; Source; Find; Evaluate; Combine; Share; Apply. The portal supports individuals to improve their information literacy and become confident in recognising information needs and being able to apply the set of transferable skills, attitudes and behaviours needed to find, retrieve, assess, manage and apply information in any situation, throughout life.

International Frameworks:

Australian and New Zealand Information Literacy Framework

Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) 

American Association of School Librarians and the Association for Educational Communications and Technology