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Literacy across learning: Information and Critical Literacy Skills CPD for early and first level -Finding and using information

Finding and using information is a key component of Curriculum for Excellence Literacy across learning experiences and outcomes it also includes, reading and critical literacy skills.

Where to find information

A common assumption is that everything can be found on the Internet / Web so there is no need to bother looking anywhere else.

In today’s society we are surrounded by information – everywhere we look it is presented in the form of words (texts – see above definition) and images. It is also present in our other senses in everything we hear (sounds), touch, smell or taste. Remember ‘images speak louder than words’ and ‘a picture tells a thousand stories’ and sounds are how we learn to speak for the first time and when we learn a new language. Also our memories are linked to images and sounds. For example when thinking about different seasons of the year:

Autumn can conger up:

  • the image of leaves of different colours (reds, yellows, browns, and maybe a bit of green), either hanging on the trees, falling or being blown about by the wind; conkers being collected and threaded on string
  • the sound of rustling leaves on the ground as people walk through them, conkers on strings being hit against each other

Whilst winter can conjure up images of animals hibernating, snow, building snow men, sledging, Christmas – presents, trees, parties; feeling cold, excited; eating turkey, mince pies etc.  

Although the web (World Wide Web) / Internet is a great place to find information, it does not contain everything and it is not always the best place to find the required / right / best information. It is better to:

  • learn about the web and the advantages and disadvantages of using it
  • learn about the other types of information resources available and the advantages and disadvantages of using them
  • explore the different types of information resources and then decide on the best resource to use for each piece of information needed.



Information Literacy in Schools


Information Literacy

Curriculum for Excellence

Thinking Skills

Finding and Using Information

Tips and techniques

Supporting Resources

Engagement - case studies / sharing practice

Reflective Questions

"Information literacy is knowing when and why you need information, where to find it, and how to evaluate, use and communicate it in an ethical manner." CILIP (2004) Information Literacy Definition