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Literacy across learning: Information and Critical Literacy Skills CPD for early and first level

Tips and techniques

Whilst the ‘what and why’ questions in relation to information and critical literacy has been covered this section looks at the ‘how’ and helps with the pitfalls, tips (some from the Real and Relevant material) and techniques that can be used for any information literacy activity for or within the Curriculum for Excellence learning experiences and outcomes or any other activities.

A common problem people have in their quest for information is that they do not spend enough time thinking about what it is they are looking for. They just dive in and then get frustrated when it takes them much longer than expected and they can’t find anything relevant.

The best advice is start with Planning and to remember that acquiring and using information literacy skills is an iterative rather than a linear process.

There will be occasions where a previous stage will need to be revisited as new information leads to: new sources of information or a reassessment of the information sources used; new information needs or changes to the plan of action.



Information Literacy in Schools


Information Literacy

Curriculum for Excellence

Thinking Skills

Finding and Using Information

Tips and techniques

Supporting Resources

Engagement - case studies / sharing practice

Reflective Questions

"Information literacy is knowing when and why you need information, where to find it, and how to evaluate, use and communicate it in an ethical manner." CILIP (2004) Information Literacy Definition