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Literacy across learning: Information and Critical Literacy Skills CPD for early and first level

Thinking Skills

Linked to information and critical literacy is thinking skills. Building the Curriculum 4 states that

"Thinking allows learners to explore text and information of all kinds critically and to use them purposefully."

In Improving Scottish Education 2005-2008, HMIE states:

"Curriculum for Excellence sets high expectations of rigour. This means that teachers should plan consistently for appropriate pace, challenge, depth and progression, and consciously promote the development of high order thinking skills"

It is important that all learners are given appropriate opportunities to develop their thinking skills. " p11 Building the Curriculum 4

  • Remembering involves such activities as recall, recognition or locating information
  • Understanding might involve activities such as describing, explaining, summarising and translating
  • Applying requires the learner to use or apply their knowledge and understanding in different contexts
  • Analysing requires learners to break down information into component parts and search for relationships
  • Evaluating involves making an informed judgement about something, for example an issue or method.
  • Activities such as comparing, appraising, prioritising, rating or selecting, could involve learners in evaluating
  • Creating happens when learners are required to generate new ideas and products through activities such as designing, creative writing, planning, reconstructing, inventing, formulating, producing and composing.



Information Literacy in Schools


Information Literacy

Curriculum for Excellence

Thinking Skills

Finding and Using Information

Tips and techniques

Supporting Resources

Engagement - case studies / sharing practice

Reflective Questions

"Information literacy is knowing when and why you need information, where to find it, and how to evaluate, use and communicate it in an ethical manner." CILIP (2004) Information Literacy Definition