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Summary of Dundee University-led activities relating to the Scottish Information Literacy Project

 Modern Studies for 6th year students


This project was developed in 2006 between Dundee University and three High Schools in the Dundee City area (Harris Academy, Craigie Academy & St Saviour’s RC High School). The project involved the development and delivery of the 6thyear Modern Studies curriculum through Dundee University’s Blackboard VLE, with full utilisation of the range of tools provided by the Blackboard platform, including discussion boards, audio & video presentation, quizzes and other material.

The project steering group consisted of representatives from the Modern Studies departments of the three Schools, the three School Librarian, the Education Support Officer (Learning Resources) for Dundee Schools plus the Learning & Teaching Librarian at Dundee University. Assistance was also given by Learning Technologists at Dundee University.

The aims of the project, apart from that of delivering the course itself, included the following:-

  • To allow 6th form students, Modern Studies teachers and School Library staff to receive a grounding in principles of virtual learning
  • To allow 6th form students to experience Higher Education in action by visiting the University and receiving training and assistance from University teaching staff & information specialists
  • To allow the development of shared course materials between three Schools
  • To develop an information literacy strand within the Modern Studies curriculum, based on the Seven Pillars model and utilising resources developed at Dundee University
  • To allow Dundee University and the participating schools to examine the secondary-tertiary education gap, and to develop techniques in helping to bridge this gap

The materials developed for the course were delivered during the 2007-08 academic year, with developments continuing throughout 2007-08 in order to allow an improved curriculum to be developed for the 2008-09 academic year. The three schools will evaluate the outcomes at the end of the current school year and report back.

Ethical & legal use of information

Currently in development is a project to be jointly run between Dundee University and the schools in Dundee City relating to the ethical and legal use of resources in the GLOW virtual learning platform, recently adopted by Scottish schools. This project will involve representatives from front-line teaching, Quality Improvement Officers (QIOs) and librarians from schools, and also librarians and learning technologists from Dundee University. The aim is to develop standards in the use of information in schools through face-to-face workshops, online materials and other resources.

Work has commenced on developing a programme, with workshops to be delivered in Summer 2008.


Andy Jackson

Learning & Teaching Librarian

Dundee University

May 2008