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S1 Art: Research into the Impressionist and Fauvist art movements to create a PowerPoint presentation which compares the two.

  • pupils directed to suitable websites through Learning Homepage and the pages for Art and Design    
  • select pictures of their chosen artist
  • add the notes they had taken in a previous note taking IL session to the PowerPoint template which pupils use to store results of their findings
  • template designed to teach pupils the importance of organising their information logically while teaching them the basics of creating a presentation.



S1 Religious Education: Investigation into religious festivals                              

Pupils work individually and as part of group, identify keywords, search books and web sites, note take (not allowed or able to print)

Information Literacy Audit

Target of the school development plan, had two meetings plus drawn up your audit questions to ask teachers.

Information Skills class – Friday at lunchtime (and Monday after school)

Contact Information: Theresa Newbury, School Librarian,