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Entries by Scottish Information Literacy (52)


Community of Practice Minutes - 5th November 2013

Information Literacy Community of Practice Meeting (4th)
Scottish Government, Victoria Quay, Commercial Street, Edinburgh EH6 6QQ,

Wednesday 5th November 2013 at 11.30 am – 1.30 pm

Cleo Jones, Manager, Information and Learning Resources, Edinburgh City Council; Ruth Gould, Aberdeen City Libraries; Kirsten Urquhart, Young Scot; Veronica Denholm, National Library of Scotland; Alice Heywood; National Library of Scotland: Fiona McLeod, MSP (, Sheila Macneill, University of Strathclyde;

Attendees: John Crawford - Chair; Abi Mawhirt, Dundee College; Hilary Kidd, Young Scot; Lindsay McKrell, Stirling Libraries; Christine Irving, Independent Information Professional / Research Fellow, Edinburgh Napier University; Moira Methven, Acting CEO SLIC; Bill Johnston, Research Fellow, Strathclyde University; Linda Sutherland, Laura Hogg, Glasgow Life; Sean McNamara, CILIPS Policy and Digital Officer; Ian McCracken - retired school librarian; Marion Kelt, Glasgow Caledonian University; Valerie Walker, Information & Learning Resources, Edinburgh City Council (Schools); Jill Evans, National Library of Scotland; Lynn Swann, Digital Project Officer, SLIC;  Anne Louise Anglim, ; Morag Higgison, Scottish Government Library; Jenny Foreman, Scottish Government Library.

Introductions: New members attending today’s meeting: Hilary Kidd, Moira Methven, Anne Louise Anglim

* Minutes of previous meeting (Published on 15th July 2013) were accepted.

* Matters arising:

* John Crawford mentioned that he and Christine are still to organise a representative from Education Scotland but were hoping to do so early in 2014.

* Sean McNamara informed us that CILIPS are keen to gather shared practice for the SLIC website and information literacy will be a key focus of this. CILIPS would like to ask everyone for help so please visit and share this link, which includes a proforma and further information:

* Ian McCracken has been working on matching information literacy skills to the Curriculum for Excellence.

* Information Literacy CoP website report  

* Christine has been blogging and would like to encourage others in the group to do so too as well as comment on the blog posts. The IL CoP has 91 members but most are not active. We have 10 members with blogging access rights but could make all members have blogging rights?

* Christine plans to develop the Information literacy Framework.

* Jenny suggested that the Discussion board tab on the website becomes the Library/document area and the Blog tab is the discussion area.

* Christine suggested that anyone who blogs for their own or other blogs (e.g Marion and Bill) might like to also add their blog posts to the IL CoP blog.

* SLIC’s role in Information Literacy development – Moira Methven

* SLIC and Scottish Government have recently appointed Lynn Swann as coordinator for the network of Digital Champions. Lynn is becoming familiar with her new role as conduit between SLIC and the SG.

* In partnership with Scottish Library & Information Council (SLIC) a Digital Participation Project Officer, Lynn Swann ( has been appointed to co-ordinate a team of digital champions, ensuring there is a team of committed, trained individuals throughout Scotland who will provide support and flexible learning opportunities to individuals and groups. – N.B. Lindsay McKrell, Stirling Libraries is a Digital Champion)

* There’s a Big Lottery funding open till 24th January 2014 which libraries can apply for re: upskilling staff and others.

* Moira delivered the presentation she had created for the Digital Champions and MSP Fiona McLeod (insert presentation) 22% of  Scottish adults do not use the internet at all, 25% didn’t know how to (Scottish Household Survey). This means a huge opportunity for libraries to promote their work and to assist in the skilling of people re information/digital literacy.

* The Scottish Government may be leading the way regarding infrastructure, but libraries are the critical and pivotal path regarding skills.

* Without the people ie professional librarians to deliver the services for digital/information literacy, the Scottish Government’s aims will not be delivered by 2020. (Val and Anne Louise)

* Need the technology (PCs) to be freely available as well.

* Librarians and information professionals need to be seen as the people you go to, to get ‘upskilled’ in these areas. (Digital natives do not exist.)

* Strategically, the emphasis is all on digital gadgets and technology when is should be on the information literacy skills deficit. (Bill)

* SCURL’s role in IL development – Jill Evans
Jill talked about and promised to share the link (attached) to the Research Information Network (RIN) publication on: The Role of Research Supervisors in Information Literacy.  This document was published in October 2011 and still contains pertinent information regarding information/digital literacy skills:

* Royal Society of Edinburgh Digital Participation – report and feedback, submitters of evidence from all.

* Blog post from Information Literacy CoP 19th February 2014

* Digital Scotland report.

* Discussion on serious omissions in interim document regarding libraries/librarians/information literacy.

* Decided to confer and submit a consolidated report with help of SLIC and others in the Information Literacy CoP (Jan 24th 2014)130628_RSE_Digital_Participation_Inquiry_Response_Final.pdf  

* European conference on Information literacy (ECIL), Istanbul, Turkey 22-25 October, 2013
John Crawford, Marion Kelt and Bill Johnston’s report back. Blog post by John

* Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group on Digital Participation

* Report back from John Crawford and Ian McCracken’s presentations at 4th September 2013 meeting. Blog post by Ian

* Update. John and Jenny attended Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group on Digital Participation on 10 Dec 2014.Ian Watson Knowledge Media: Programme Manager, Ian Watt (SOCITM), Gordon Scobbie gave presentations to the CPG on 'Digital Participation in the Workplace. The key to Scotland's Digital Future'

* Autumn Gathering Report – Information Literacy good practice session (John Crawford, Sean McNamara, Christine Irving)

* Christine has written two blog posts:

*  Upcoming presentations:
a. SLIC AGM at which Ian McCracken and John Crawford were speakers
b. CILIPS East Branch Information Literacy Event part One, (blog post by John Crawford
c. EU Conference, University of Greenwich (John Crawford, , Christine Irving)  blog post by John Crawford pictures by Christine Irving

*  Publication of John Crawford and Christine Irving’s book “Information Literacy and Lifelong Learning: Policy issues, the workplace, health and public libraries”. This includes a chapter on information literacy in the Scottish Government by Jenny Foreman and Morag Higgison. (October 2013)


Date and time of next meeting is Wednesday 14th May 2014 11.30am – 1.30pm at the Scottish Government, Victoria Quay.

The agenda will be sent out shortly beforehand. Please email John Crawford if you’d like to add anything to it or would like to deliver a presentation etc.


Welcome to the first of many CoP blog postings

Well here we are with a new blog for the Community of Practice (CoP) and at the start of the New Year which seems quite appropriate.

Setting up the blog was on my to-do-list and to be honest I’ve missed blogging. I used to blog on a fairly regular basis from the Scottish Information Literacy blog (archived within the CoP) and it was a great way for the project to communicate with everyone plus act as a record of the projects activities and items of interest. I hope to do the same here with other CoP members contributing their own blog postings. Blogs are meant to be interactive, in that they allow for readers to comment on content. The comments / feedback can be just as interesting and important as the original content so we will be looking for the Information Literacy Community at large responding to our postings.

There is an RSS feed on the blog so you can stay informed of the latest blog postings and any subsequent comments.

So here’s to our new blog and I look forward to sharing my thoughts, news items etc. with you.

Christine Irving

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